Frequently Asked Law Questions
With a simple phone call to the Law Offices of Roderick C. White we are always available to personally answer your situation-specific case questions. Nevertheless, here are the answers to some frequently asked questions.
“Personal Injury Law” is an umbrella term that encompasses a body of law aimed at compensating individuals for harm suffered because of another’s negligent actions or inactions. Typical personal injury cases include, but are not limited to, auto accidents, truck/18-wheeler accidents, wrongful death cases, animal attacks, railroad/train accidents, injuries sustained from defective or dangerous products, and/or injuries occurring because of the dangerous condition in which property is kept or maintained such as slip-n-fall accidents. MORE INFO >>
There are generally two types of personal injury damages: 1) compensatory or actual damages; and 2) punitive or exemplary damages. Actual or compensatory damages are awarded to compensate for an injury or harm.
If necessary, request an ambulance or medical treatment for your injuries. If you suffered what you believe is a premises liability injury, you need to immediately report the injury to the owner, manager, or other employee of the establishment where the injury occurred, so that there will be a record of the accident. MORE INFO>>
All business and property owners must make sure that their property is safe for all visitors and tenants. In addition to securing their property from slips, trips, and falls, etc., they must make sure that their property is safe from crimes being committed against tenants and/or those lawfully on the premises. MORE INFO >>
f you or a loved one are injured because of a defective product it is essential that you preserve evidence—keep the defective product and do not modify it or take it apart. Store it safely in a secure location. MORE INFO>>
If you are involved in an accident you need to keep two things in mind. First, take actions to prevent further injuries or damages from occurring. Anyone who is injured should get medical treatment as soon as possible. Injuries may worsen if treatment is delayed. Also, if possible move your vehicle out of the roadway to avoid being hit by another car. Secondly, you need to take actions that will preserve evidence of the accident and any resulting injuries or damages. MORE INFO >>
For the law to make someone pay when there’s been a car, truck or motorcycle accident, three things must be present. First, there has to be a rule or accepted way of doing things that wasn’t followed. This is called “Duty”.
YES! … You are entitled to reimbursement from the responsible party’s insurance company for a reasonable period of time. MORE INFO>>
The driver that causes the accident is legally responsible to pay for the repairs to your vehicle or if the vehicle is a total loss they are responsible to pay the fair market value of your vehicle. Assuming that the “at fault” driver has insurance, this payment is typically made through their insurance carrier. MORE INFO >>
YES! … Lost Wages (if you are an employee) and Lost Income (if you are self-employed) are recoverable from the date of accident until the day you return to work. MORE INFO >>
Uninsured Motorist Coverage is additional coverage that you purchase from your own auto insurance company that provides insurance coverage for you and others in your vehicle for injuries sustained if you are in an accident caused by a driver that has no automobile insurance. MORE INFO>>
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